Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Almost like missing a limb...

The other day, I had to bring my camera to the shop for a minor repair. I will have it back in two to three weeks. And I have to say, handing that camera over was not easy. I walked out of the store, empty camera case in hand, and I really felt like a part of me was missing. It may not be all that evident on my blog, because I just don't manage to post all that often, but I take pictures of everything and always have my camera with me. I was in downtown Salzburg today, bugging soccer fans with my questionnaires one last time, and there were some crazy, fun scenes with Spanish and Greek fans going on. And I had no camera! There was an amazing sky that was perfectly blue with white little clouds to the left and intense, dark, threatening rain clouds to the right. And I had no camera! Yesterday evening, I took a walk up Mönchsberg and had an amazing view of a misty Salzburg during sunset. And...I had no camera! I think you get the point. Come back soon, dear friend!

1 comment:

Maalie said...

I know how you must feel! I was away somewhere once and my battery was flat and I had left the charger at home. You get quite a feeling of helplessness, don't you and the perfect opportunity always seems to present itself when the camera is unavailable!