Saturday, June 14, 2008

I Wish I Had A Clue look? I am not at all sure that I like it. I am very bad with changes. When I was a teenager, I would rearrange my entire room in an afternoon and then lie in bed at night, close to tears, because I missed the way it used to be. None of the template designs are really what I want my blog to look like. Unfortunately, I know nothing about web design (I don't even know if that's what you call it), so I can't just make a template myself and am stuck with the choices that Blogger offers me. I miss the lines of the old design, I feel like the pictures are just kind of floating in space this way. I like being able to add a picture to the header, but I haven't found the one that is just right yet. And a new profile picture is long overdue as well. After three years of the same design, I just figured something new was in order. I think I'll sleep on it, but don't be surprised if I've gone back to the old design by tomorrow...


Jess said...

I like it! I love the header and I think this is a nice, simple structure.

Catharina said...

Jess: Thanks! I am getting used to it and I think I might keep it :-) I also like the simple structure. Although I have a feeling I'm going to play around with the head a lot, there are just too many possibilities!

Catharina said...

Oops, I meant headER, not head.