Thursday, August 21, 2008

Evening Rounds

At the camp I've worked at for three Julys now, two counselors each day are in charge of taking turns walking around the entire camp grounds - which are huge - to make sure everyone is alright and no one is breaking any rules. Acres and acres of lake shore, woods and large fields could be a daunting route to take, but with an evening view like this, it is more of a privilege than a chore.


Jess said...

Gorgeous! I can see why it's an enjoyable stroll.

Ann (MobayDP) said...

Wow. That view is fantastic! I don't think I'd mind so much going for that stroll either ;-)

Merisi said...

Quietly spectacular!
Imagine, I made it to Neusiedler See only a few days ago, and shall be at Lake Wolfgang this coming weekend.

Maalie said...

Beautiful the way you have captured the clouds gathering around the mountains.

paintandink said...

So glad to see you back!

What a beautiful place...

Merisi said...

Please bail me out,
I don't want to make the same evening round again. *help*