Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Myth Busters

A trip through the Scottish Highlands,
minding our own business.

A boat ride on Loch Ness, you ask?
Why, yes please!
But do we have to be afraid of monsters?

Apparently, yes.
Although Nessie was actually quite friendly,
I have to say.
Which other monsters actually pose for pictures?


Maalie said...

Oooh! What lovely pictures of Scotland!

You are sooooo lucky to have seen the monster (Nessie) on your visit. I have never seen her after hours of watching at various times in my life!

paintandink said...

Ah, Nessie, my old pal! Nice to see that she's coming out of her shell a bit.

Merisi said...

I see, Nessie's new public relations manager knows how to handle so-called monsters! ;-)