Friday, November 16, 2007

I'm Dreaming Of A White...Thanksgiving

I know that Thanksgiving isn't for another couple of days, but my Thanksgiving, where I cook for my roommates and a few other friends, is tomorrow. This is the third time that I am cooking my own Thanksgiving dinner and it has become a tradition for my Austrian friends as well. Now imagine our surprise when it snowed last night! A white Thanksgiving in Vienna.

The view from our kitchen window:

Snow definitely has its advantages -
frozen raspberries and strawberries
on our window sill.
(There was no more room in our freezer.)

And inside, I began the preparations:
Writing the grocery list.

Luckily, the Cranberry Fairy
(also known as the best mom ever)
magically made the only ingredient appear
that I was still missing.

The preparations could begin!
By the end of the day, my kitchen looked like this:

(Actually, the cookies have nothing to do with Thanksgiving,
I just had a new recipe I really wanted to try out...)

Anyway, back to the dirty kitchen...

And the cooking continues tomorrow...

The menu:
Roasted Turkey
Cranberry Sauce
Mashed Potatos with Caramelized Shallots
Sweet Potato Wedges
Chocolate Coeur a la Creme (times two)
with Red Berry Sauce
Apple Crumb Pie

1 comment:

Merisi said...

Ok, I'll bring the wine! :-)))